For two drama-filled seasons, Netflix's Last Chance U followed every move of the Eastern Los Angeles College (ELAC) basketball team. ELAC assistant "Coach Rob" was an audience favorite. Since the show, Coach Rob has moved on from ELAC and taken the head basketball coach position at MiraCosta College (MCC). Coach Rob AKA Rob Robinson was nice enough to let us play catch up.
So how does the MiraCosta position come to fruition? How difficult is the process? How many interviews did you have to go through?
COACH ROB: Getting a Cali Juco job is not easy. There are a ton of candidates for every job. I had 3 interviews for this job, two of them informal.
Was there any discussion, even for half a minute, of Last Chance U shooting at MiraCosta?
COACH ROB: No discussion of LCU at MCC. The production company who creates LCU had other ventures they were pursuing the moment they wrapped on our Season 2.
How much contact do you have with Greg Whiteley (LCU's creator)?
COACH ROB: I haven't spoken to Greg since the premiere showing of Season 2 at Netflix HQ in Hollywood. But I periodically speak to most of the people who were a part of producing the show.
LCU shot two seasons at ELAC, but there's been nothing since, basketball or football. Any insight into the future of LCU?
COACH ROB: I don't think LCU will happen again. They're looking to do more shows like the cheerleading series they just did in Texas.
How did you initially connect with Coach Mosely? Also, Is ELAC on MiraCosta's schedule this season?
COACH ROB: Me and Mo had a mutual friend-coach who we're both close with. That friend was the assistant coach there before me. He called me up and said go to ELAC and meet Mosley. I went down there one summer day, spent 6 hours in the gym and his office. I knew it was the place I was supposed to be at that moment.
After twenty years coaching high school ball at an elite level, you took a leap of faith and accepted a volunteer position - with a long commute. What was your mindset at that point?
COACH ROB: I wanted to be a college basketball coach. I had done about as much as I could do at the high school level. My belief in hard work and doing right by the game has always paid off for me. My future was murky at best when I showed up at ELAC for my first day on the job, but I knew if I gave everything I had to ELAC, Mosley and those players, that in the end, I would be in a good spot. No one is going to outwork me. You might beat me, but you're not going to out work me. I don't ever think about the end. My focus is always on doing things that get me the result I want in the end. At ELAC, I was determined to be the best assistant coach in all of hoops each day.
Coach Hunter had one of the best moments in LCU history: his locker room pep talk to Joe Hampton, which only the cameras witnessed firsthand. Did you have any idea that this took place at the time? What were your thoughts on this wonderful moment?
COACH ROB: Ken has those moments with all the guys at some point. He knows just what to say and when to say it. Joe needed more of those moments than most though.
At ELAC, you hung the team's uniforms with such love and care, and you continue to do so. Discuss.
COACH ROB: Humility. I wish I could say I was always humble, always a servant, but that's not the case. It took me some years to figure out what my purpose in basketball was. Once I started focusing on everyone around me, my teams got better. The culture in the locker room got better. And my outlook on the game became clear. I am here to make young men better. Basketball is what I use to do that. Washing the gear and hanging them each day reminds me each morning as to why I'm here and what my focus should be.
Your side hustle is making fun t-shirts and other fun accessories. Where can these items be purchased?
Jumpstops, Chest Passes and Jabs | Official Merchandise | Bonfire Check out Jumpstops, Chest Passes and Jabs on Bonfire and shop official merchandise today! Featuring limited edition custom apparel, printed with care in the USA just for you. |
Favorite t-shirt or two that you've created?
COACH ROB: Jump Stops will change your life. It's my favorite shirt and saying.
How much interaction is there between the MiraCosta basketball and surf teams?
COACH ROB: Our surf team is rarely on campus. But me and the beach volleyball coach hang out every day. We both love the sand and Star Wars.
Jon Hart is @manversusball
