Photos by Gregory Koch, Stadium Journey
Stadium Info FANFARE Score: 3.43
Broadway High School Baseball Field 269 Gobbler Drive Broadway, VA 22815
Baseball Right Down Broadway
Nestled in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley, the Rockingham County Baseball League is one of the oldest amateur baseball leagues in the country. Virginia's version of town ball was founded in 1924 and is currently celebrating its centennial season. The league's eight teams consist of a mix of current and former college players with ties to the area. Some of the latter have been playing in the league for years.
The Broadway Bruins play at the baseball field at Broadway High School. Broadway has had a team in the Rockingham County League for many years, winning the inaugural championship in 1924. The Bruins most recently won the title in 2020.
Food & Beverage 5
Concessions are sold out of Mac's Snack Shack along the first baseline. Run by local vendor Mac's Barbecue, the stand offers a wide range of options, made fresh in a smoker. Brisket and pulled pork are available in most games, and sometimes hot smoked chicken and turkey are as well. Freshly made mac and cheese is available as a side, and you can get your mac and cheese topped with meat if you want. This last option is especially popular. Check the Mac's Barbecue Facebook page before the game, as they usually post information on their menu a few hours before.
For those who don't want something out of a smoker, more traditional concession items are also available. Burgers, hot dogs, and fries are for sale, as are chips, candy, assorted soft drinks, bottled water, and Gatorade.
Credit cards are accepted as long as they have tap-and-pay capabilities. So is cash. Prices are a bit on the high end - a meal out of the smoker can cost $10 or more - but this is not outrageous and the food is quite good. You get what you pay for in the end.
Note that there is another building signed as a concession stand that also has restrooms, but it is not used as a concession stand for Bruins games.

Atmosphere 3
There are several different seating options at a Broadway Bruins game. Since the seating area is on a hill that slopes down to the field, this creates some interesting vantage points. A few rows of chairback seating (with far more legroom than needed) are located behind the home plate on a deck. The front row is elevated and is about ten feet higher than field level and above the hill. The top three rows of chairbacks are all at the same level, meaning you may struggle to see over the fans in front of you.
The bottom two use normal stadium-style tiered seating. Bleacher seating is located on either side of the home plate, with additional chairbacks in front of the bleachers at field level. There is also one random section of bleachers at the top of the hill, on the other side of the walking path from the rest of the seating. These bleachers are overgrown by weeds and have a view obstructed by the other bleachers. Nobody sits here. Some fans also bring their lawn chairs to sit on.
Music is played during breaks in the action and before the game. It is being played off of somebody's phone hooked up to the sound system - you can even hear the ping when they receive a new message. A scoreboard in right field shows the score, inning, and count, but nothing else.
As is typical of the Rockingham County Baseball League, this is baseball in its purest form. There are no between-innings contests or other gimmicks, just a baseball game that the whole community can enjoy.
Note that fans are not permitted to keep foul balls hit out of play, but can return them to the concession stand for a free Popsicle. When a foul ball leaves the playing area, expect kids to chase after it, hoping to snag the free ice pop. Often, fans nearby will shout "Popsicle!" to alert people and encourage the kids, just as someone might similarly shout "Heads up!" at other parks.
The sun sets beyond the left field line, which can make things challenging to see for a bit before it goes behind the mountains.
Neighborhood 2
The Bruins play on the grounds of Broadway High School, which is located in a residential area in the Town of Broadway, with a population of about 4,000. If you make the short drive to Main Street, you will find the few businesses this town has. El Ranchero is a popular Mexican joint, and Fat Boyz serves up barbecue and more. There are a couple of other options as well.
Broadway is a small town, which is great for the community feel the Rockingham County League is known for, but not so great for visitors looking for something to do here.
Fans 4
The Broadway Bruins draw a few hundred fans a game, which is impressive given the small town's size. RCBL games are typically a community affair, and the Broadway Bruins are no exception. Most of the fans know each other and have been following the team for years, but newcomers will be welcome as well. The fans are quite knowledgeable about the Bruins and the other teams in the league.
From small kids chasing after foul balls to get a free Popsicle, to people who have been supporting Broadway baseball for decades, this is small-town ball at its finest.

Access 3
Broadway High School is located a few miles off I-81 and is about ten miles north of Harrisonburg, There is a large parking lot behind the school near the field, but be mindful of construction. When we visited, several areas were coned off for paving. There was still more than enough space for everyone to park, but in a worst case scenario, there is additional parking in the front of the school.
Restrooms are available in a brick building near the adjacent softball field, although you will have to walk a few minutes to get there. The good news is they're never crowded.
Walking around the field and surrounding area involves a lot of gravel paths, grass, and hills, so it may present issues for those with mobility difficulties.
Return on Investment 5
Admission to most Bruins games is free thanks to local sponsors. There may be a small charge for a few games a season, so check the Bruins social media for confirmation. Prices at Mac's Barbecue are fairly high, but considering the quality of the food, are an excellent value. Overall, a Broadway baseball game is affordable and fun for the entire family.
Extras 2
One star for the gorgeous views of the Allegheny Mountains beyond the outfield fence. Nestled between the Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mountains, Rockingham County is known for its scenic views, and this ballpark is no exception.
Mac's Barbecue is worthy of an extra star here. They make the concessions experience excellent for this level.
Final Thoughts
Like the rest of the RCBL, a Broadway Bruins game is small-town baseball at its finest, an experience for the whole community to enjoy. Those in the Rockingham County area may already know the small-town baseball experience that is the Rockingham County Baseball League, but to everyone else, it's one of Virginia's best-kept baseball secrets. Many baseball fans are familiar with the town ball culture of Minnesota, but it is alive and well in the Rockingham County Baseball League as well.
Whether you're a resident of the Town of Broadway, come from elsewhere in Rockingham County, or are just visiting the area, a visit to a Broadway Bruins game is an enjoyable way to spend a summer night. Baseball fans heading to the area over the summer will want to check out the Rockingham County Baseball League, whether that's a Broadway Bruins game or one of the other teams.